August 21st, 2018 Welcome back, Jayhawks! August 21 not only marks the beginnings of the new school year; today it’s also Wilt Chamberlain’s 82nd birthday. Did you know that, in addition to playing basketball, he was also on the Track & Field team while at KU? It’s true! He was and we’ve got the footage to prove it.
While inspecting some reels of film from the 1957 Kansas Relays, we happened upon some footage of a man with a dapper-looking red and black plaid hat. It was none other than Wilt Chamberlain.

Wilt Chamberlain in the triple jump event at the Kansas Relays, 1957.
University Archives. Call Number: UA 12994. Click film still to enlarge.

Triple jump (then called the hop, step, and jump) standings at the Kansas Relays, 1957.
University Archives. Call Number: UA 12994. Click film still to enlarge.

Wilt Chamberlain in the high jump event at the Kansas Relays, 1957.
I don’t know how he did it, but his hat stayed on during the jump.
University Archives. Call Number: UA 12994. Click film still to enlarge.

High jump standings at the Kansas Relays, 1957.
University Archives. Call Number: UA 12994. Click film still to enlarge.
Although Wilt didn’t win these events, his athleticism is undeniable.
Happy birthday, Wilt!
Chris Banuelos
Audiovisual Preservation Specialist
Conservation Services
Tags: Chris Banuelos, Kansas Relays, KU History, KU Track and Field, Memorial Stadium, Track and Field, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas, Wilt Chamberlain
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August 17th, 2018 As part of my Museum Studies student internship this summer, one of my assignments was to create and design an exhibit to be displayed in the North Gallery at Spencer Research Library from the beginning of August through mid-September. I had to choose a topic concerning KU history, one that I could easily pull materials from the archive to support as a concept. I thought back to the time I spent perusing the yearbooks while working on another research project. One topic that intrigued me, and remained in the back of my head for some time, was that of enrollment. It had never occurred to me to even consider the fact that enrollment had not always been digital and computerized. The process, procedure, the manual entry of data – it was all foreign to me. The immediate question became “how did the university handle the process of enrollment?”

In-progress installation of the exhibit. Click image to enlarge.
I began my research by investigating the enrollment process from as far back as the university records could reach. In order to fully understand the concept I took notes on each version of the enrollment procedure I could find in the primary sources. I created a step-by-step bullet point list for each major era (every ten to twenty years or so). Doing this helped me narrow the focus of the exhibit, focusing mostly on enrollment between the 1950s through the 1980s, with a brief section on the early history of the process.
Searching the archive for images and artifacts was the exciting part for me. I’ve selected some photographs taken by the Lawrence Journal-World, multiple pamphlets distributed to students during orientation, some class guides, and registration instructions, and I will include one of the card boxes from the era of IBM punch cards. Since I had limited space, my labels consist of basic descriptors of each artifact and a few expository labels that explain the enrollment process across the history of the university.

One of the two finished exhibit cases. Click image to enlarge.
My hope and intent for this exhibit is to instill the same fascination for a bygone method that I originally had when I began my research. I want to illustrate the complexities of this older version of a process that all students partake in – while hopefully remaining accurate to the memories of those who did participate in these older systems of enrollment. It’s an important aspect of KU history that I feel deserves its own exhibition.
Mallory Harrell
KU Museum Studies graduate student and University Archives intern
Tags: Enrollment, Exhibitions, KU History, Mallory Harrell, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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August 16th, 2018 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
Welcome (back) to KU, new and returning Jayhawks! If you’re moving in to the residence halls today, we hope the process is going as smoothly as it apparently did for the family in this week’s picture.

Car packed with luggage, 1940s. Corbin Hall is in the background.
University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 71/0 1940s Negatives: Student Activities (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, Corbin Hall, KU History, photographs, Students, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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August 9th, 2018 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
With the start of the fall semester right around the corner, there will be lots of activity on campus next week – including recruitment for KU’s sororities and fraternities.

Pi Beta Phi members during rush (now called recruitment), 1897. The chapter
was established in 1873, making it the first sorority at KU. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 67/160 1897: Student Organizations: Pi Beta Phi (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, KU History, photographs, Pi Beta Phi, Sororities, Students, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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August 2nd, 2018 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
Did you know that KU’s first mascot was a bulldog? For awhile, the Jayhawk and the Bulldog were both used as mascots. In November 1958, the Jayhawk became KU’s official, and lone, mascot.

The KU baseball team with the university’s bulldog mascot, 1903. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 66/12 1903 Prints: Athletic Department: Baseball (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
You can see our previous “Dog Days of Summer” blog post from 2015.
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Baseball, Bulldogs, Caitlin Donnelly, Dogs, Jayhawk, KU Baseball, KU History, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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