June 1st, 2017 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
University Archives contains many examples and images of Jayhawks over the years. In honor of the 73rd anniversary of D-Day next Tuesday, this week’s photographs show variations of the combative 1929 and 1941 Jayhawks during World War II.

World War II bombers with Jayhawk nose art, 1944.
University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 0/25 1944 Prints:
University General: Jayhawk mascot, dolls, etc (Photos).
Click images to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Melissa Kleinschmidt and Abbey Ulrich
Public Services Student Assistants
Tags: Abbey Ulrich, Airplanes, Caitlin Donnelly, Jayhawk, Jayhawks, KU History, Melissa Kleinschmidt, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas, World War II
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April 7th, 2016 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 26,300 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

The Jayhawk mascot hanging out behind the counter in the Union store, 1963/1964.
University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 0/25 1963/1964 Prints:
Campus: Jayhawk mascot, dolls, etc. (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Melissa Kleinschmidt, Megan Sims, and Abbey Ulrich
Public Services Student Assistants
Tags: Abbey Ulrich, Caitlin Donnelly, Jayhawk, Jayhawks, KU History, Megan Sims, Melissa Kleinschmidt, Memorial Union, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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December 7th, 2012 Have you ever wondered what steps are involved in mounting an exhibit? We recently completed installation of “100 Years of Jayhawks: 1912-2012,” curated by University Archivist Becky Schulte, with assistance from Letha Johnson and Sherry Williams. The exhibit celebrates the evolution of the Jayhawk, the mascot of the University of Kansas, from the first, long-legged version drawn by Hank Maloy to the present design. This is the first exhibit to be mounted in a newly renovated space in Spencer, in the former location of the Special Collections reception area.
Becky Schulte retrieved many items from the stacks and determined the theme of each of the five cases. Assistant Conservator Roberta Woodrick and I covered the exhibit case bases with the cloth Becky had selected. Once the cases were ready, Becky laid out objects in the cases in rough configurations, determining the best location for each item while considering the flow of the exhibition “story.”

Initial layout of materials in the case. Click image to enlarge.
After items were placed in the cases, we constructed mounts for materials in order to elevate, highlight, and soundly support them during the course of the exhibit. For this exhibition we selected archival matboard and Volara polyethylene foam as mount materials, both of which are inert and will not chemically or physically damage objects on display.

University Archivist Becky Schulte positioning an item on matboard within the case.
Click image to enlarge.
Once the labels and mounts were finished, the Jayhawks were placed in the cases. We measured and determined safe lighting levels for the exhibition space to limit light exposure to objects on display.

Finished Product! The final version of one of the exhibition’s five display cases.
Click image to enlarge.
The exhibit will be on open through March and may be viewed during regular Kenneth Spencer Research Library Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm, and (when regular classes are in session) Saturday 12:00pm-4:00pm . Please visit and let us know what you think!
For images from the exhibition’s opening celebration on Wednesday, December 5, please click on the thumbnails below.

Whitney Baker
Head, Conservation Services
Tags: 100 Years of Jayhawks: 1912-2012, Becky Schulte, conservation, Exhibitions, Jayhawks, Mounting an exhibition, University Archives, University of Kansas, Whitney Baker
Posted in Conservation, Events, Exhibitions, News, University Archives |
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October 10th, 2012 Former conservation student assistant Haley Trezise reports on how she met the challenge of safely housing a group of metal Jayhawks.
I could hear the individual metal pieces sliding around inside before I even opened the box containing the metal Jayhawk paraphernalia. There was a small metal pendant set aside in an envelope; however, the rest of the items in the collection were awkwardly arranged at the bottom of a tall, slender box. Projects like this challenged me to find or make appropriate housing for Spencer items.

The challenge: A note to the archivist and two of several metal Jayhawk items all to be housed together.
Spencer Library Call Number: RG 0/25
I worked as a conservation student employee and Museum Studies intern during my last two semesters at KU. For one of my projects as an intern, I was asked to upgrade the housing for some metal Jayhawk paraphernalia. The parameters: all material should stay together in one box, including the accompanying written documents. I was provided a rather small, off-the-shelf box and told that all items should fit within that enclosure.

A new nest for metal Jayhawks. Spencer Library Call Number: RG 0/25
After considering various arrangements for best placement, I used plastazote foam, an inert (non-damaging) material that is easily shaped, to cut indentions for each object. I took a picture of the proper place for each item and placed it, along with the written information, in a sleeve inside the lid of the box. The image of what is stored in the box was also attached to the outside of the box so that the archivists can see what is inside without opening the lid.

Photos affixed to the exterior of the housing reveal at a glance the Jayhawk paraphernalia contained inside.
Spencer Library Call Number: RG 0/25. Click image to enlarge.
Haley Trezise
Former Conservation Student Assistant
Tags: conservation, Haley Trezise, Housing, Jayhawks, protective enclosures, University Archives
Posted in Conservation, University Archives |
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