The University of Kansas

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Welcome to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library blog! As the special collections and archives library at the University of Kansas, Spencer is home to remarkable and diverse collections of rare and unique items. Explore the blog to learn about the work we do and the materials we collect.

The Roots of Public Education in Lawrence, Kansas

August 14th, 2018

If it’s August, then it must be time for school to resume!

The earliest settlers in what would become Lawrence, Kansas, also wanted school to begin, and as quickly as feasibly possible. The first immigrant party arrived at the town site in August 1854. It was made up of twenty-nine men, all members of the New England Emigrant Aid Company, the mission of which was to ensure that slavery would be illegal in Kansas when it became a state. Specifically written into their original petition was the provision that immigrants coming to Kansas Territory would be provided with public education. True to their word, Lawrence’s founders held the first public classes on January 15, 1855, just five months after their arrival. Edward P. Fitch of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, was the first teacher. Estimates of the number of students in that first class vary between eight and twenty.

Photograph of Edward Fitch, the first teacher in Lawrence, undated

Edward P. Fitch, the first teacher in Lawrence, undated. Photo courtesy
of the Douglas County Historical Society, Watkins Museum of History.
Used with permission from Roger Fitch. Click image to enlarge.

The second teacher was Kate Kellogg, and unfortunately no photo of her is available. Kate returned east after her marriage. She was followed by Lucy Wilder, who held a teaching position in Lawrence for many years. Lucy came to Kansas in 1855 with her father, Abram Wilder.

Photograph of Lucy Wilder, third teacher in Lawrence, undated

Lucy Wilder, the third teacher in Lawrence, undated. Lawrence Photo Collection.
Call Number: RH PH 18 K:140. Click image to enlarge.

The first public high school in Kansas was Quincy School, established in Lawrence in March 1857. The school building was constructed ten years later at 11th and Vermont Streets. It was possibly named in honor of Edmund Quincy, a benefactor of the New England Emigrant Aid Company. By 1876 this high school was one of four university-accredited schools in the state.

Photograph of Quincy School, undated

Quincy School, undated. Photo in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas:
An Informal History
by David Dary, page 272. Call Number: RH D9258.
Credited to the Kansas Historical Society. Click image to enlarge.

In addition to the schools located within the city limits of Lawrence, there have been as many as eighty-three rural schools located throughout Douglas County. With a few exceptions, most were one-room buildings that served as community centers and church meeting places as well as classrooms. The last rural school, Twin Mound No. 32, closed its doors in 1966, more than one hundred years after the first school opened.

Photograph of Burnette School No. 62, undated

Burnette School No. 62, undated. Lotta Watson, teacher. Shane-Thompson
Photo Collection. Call Number: RH PH 500.1:47. Click image to enlarge.

Photograph of Crowder School No. 69, undated

Crowder School No. 69, undated. Jesse Ady, teacher. Shane-Thompson
Photo Collection. Call Number: RH PH 500.1:60. Click image to enlarge.

Photograph of Fairview School No. 21, undated

Fairview School No. 21, undated. Shane-Thompson Photo Collection.
Call Number: RH PH 500.1:58. Click image to enlarge.

Photograph of Kaw Valley School No. 12, undated

Kaw Valley School No. 12, undated. Maryane Brune, teacher. Shane-Thompson
Photo Collection. Call Number: RH PH 500.1:62. Click image to enlarge.

Photograph of White School No. 61, 1955

Undersheriff Charles Edmondson helps children cross Highway 40-59 near Teepee Junction,
White School, District 61, September 14, 1955. Lawrence Journal-World Photo Collection.
Call Number: RH PH LJW 9.14.55. Click image to enlarge.

Kathy Lafferty
Public Services


Crafton, Allen. Free State Fortress: The First Ten Years of the History of Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence: The World Company, 1954. Call Number: UA C79.

Daniels, Goldie Piper. Rural Schools and Schoolhouses of Douglas County, Kansas. Baldwin City, Kansas: Telegraphics, 1975? Call Number: RH D5195.

Dary, David. Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas: An Informal History. Lawrence: Allen Books, 1982. Call Number: RH D9258.

Kansas Women Schoolteachers Project records. Call Number: RH MS 872. Kansas Collection, Kenneth Spencer Research Library.

World War I Letters of Milo H. Main: August 13-19, 1918

August 13th, 2018

In honor of the centennial of World War I, this is the second series in which we follow the experiences of one American soldier: twenty-five year old Milo H. Main, whose letters are held in Spencer’s Kansas Collection. On Mondays we’ll post a new entry featuring selected letters from Milo to his family from that following week, one hundred years after he wrote them.

Milo Hugh Main was born in or near Pittsfield, Illinois, on November 21, 1892 to William and Rose Ella Henry Main. The family moved to Argonia, Sumner County, Kansas, in 1901. After his mother died in 1906, Milo remained in Argonia with his father and his two sisters Gladys (b. 1890) and June (b. 1899). His youngest sister Fern (b. 1905) was sent to live with relatives in Illinois.

As Milo reported to the Kansas State Historical Society in 1919, after graduating from high school he worked as a store clerk. He resigned in July 1917 and took a position at Standard Oil Company, possibly co-managing a gas station in Argonia.

Milo entered into military service on September 21, 1917. He served as a wagoner – a person who drives a wagon or transports goods by wagon – in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery. He was stationed at Camp Funston (September-October 1917) and Camp Doniphan (October 1917-May 1918). On May 19, 1918, he boarded the ship Ceramic in New York City and departed for Europe.

In this week’s letter, Milo apologizes to his family for not writing sooner, explaining that he has “been traveling and in camp only a few days at a time.” Moreover, he has “seen some very beautiful mountain scenery here in the foot hills of the Alps…Very hard for me to be seated long enough to write when there is so much to see.”

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 19, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 19, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 19, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 19, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 19, 1918

Aug. 19th, 1918.
Somewhere in Europe with “Amex Forces

Dear Father and Sisters:- Please pardon me again for not writting. But have been traveling and in camp only a few days at a time.

Received my last mail from the States about ten days ago. Received four letters from you dated; June 21st, July 15th, July 16th, and July 18th. Also one from J.W.A. (1) postmarked July 22nd and mail from your county seat, too.

Very proud to know you had father and mother’s picture enlarged and so life like. Had often thought of doing it.

Please speak a kind work to P.T. Raine (2) for me, very sorry to learn of his poor health.

Many thanks for the Argosy [Argonia newspaper] clipping of the boys whom were called.

Yes, we get all the dope [inside information] from the “Front” by wireless and can buy Europian editions of the leading U.S. daily newspapers with all the war news as well as the happenings in the U.S.A.

Thanks [sister] June, for caring for my ins. policies.

Well, I am still detached for O.M. duty, but, since we started on move have been acting in some capacity as Uncle Will (3) and I did in Colo. last season. And have seen some very beautiful mountain scenery here in the foot hills of the Alps, but, Colo. is the most scenic to date for me. Very hard for me to be seated long enough to write when there is so much to see. You spoke of the new system on sugar. I have never been affected by it over here yet. Carried a big can of it on this trip. Leave it to “Old Mike” and it is not such a hard war as you may think. There has not been a minute since we left Camp in the States that I have not enjoyed this wonderful experience.

In my travels from southern to northern and western France, I found it a more progressive country the farther north I traveled and in central part there were some land and fields much like those of Sumner Co. And wheat was a big crop but oats only fair. Threshing machines I haven’t seen a one, but saw many small farmers using the frail. Saw my first tractors and binders as we passed thru the above mentioned district.

The French railroad systems are a joke to the “Yanks.” In first place they are many years behind on modern railways, excepting Paris and near the Front where they are using U.S. locomitives and cars. They still use the hook and link coupler with out air expect on their most modern system and many narrow gauge roads are in use yet. They blow a whistle (the trainmen) instead of signaling by hands, the blast or call reminds one of a hunter’s duck caller back in the States. Saw German prisoners doing switchmen’s work in railroad yards. Beleive me, it sure looks good to see U.S.R.R. [U.S. railroad] equipment over here.

Am now in a place where the Wacker language is of great benefit to me. Talk about your wooden shoe–, well I know all about ‘em know. What I have seen to date will be enough to interest my grandchildren for years to come.

It has often been stated that a sailor has a sweetheart in every port. I know that these “Yanks” have at least one at every camp or stop if not more. I got a lock of one’s hair yesterday and was after her two front teeth but some Sam’ had beat me to them. A “Yank” here is at home where ever he stops. No longer than this morning I sat in a French home drinking French Coffée (menier) (4) with a fair brunette accross the table from me. “Well, this is the life.”

(1) Possibly J. W. Achelpohl, a storeowner in Argonia. According to Milo’s World War I draft registration card, Achelpohl was his employer when he worked as a clerk.

(2) Phillip Thomas Raine was born in Missouri or Kentucky in 1852. Census information suggests that the Raine family moved from Missouri to Kansas sometime between 1878 and 1885. In May 1918, the Argonia Argosy reported that Tom Raine was stricken with paralysis while working on his farm.

(3) Probably William M. Henry, a brother of Milo’s mother. Born in Illinois in 1861, William relocated to Sumner County, Kansas, with his wife and children around 1900.

(4) Possibly a reference to Menier French chocolate.

Meredith Huff
Public Services

Emma Piazza
Public Services Student Assistant

World War I Letters of Milo H. Main: August 6-12, 1918

August 6th, 2018

In honor of the centennial of World War I, this is the second series in which we follow the experiences of one American soldier: twenty-five year old Milo H. Main, whose letters are held in Spencer’s Kansas Collection. On Mondays we’ll post a new entry featuring selected letters from Milo to his family from that following week, one hundred years after he wrote them.

Milo Hugh Main was born in or near Pittsfield, Illinois, on November 21, 1892 to William and Rose Ella Henry Main. The family moved to Argonia, Sumner County, Kansas, in 1901. After his mother died in 1906, Milo remained in Argonia with his father and his two sisters Gladys (b. 1890) and June (b. 1899). His youngest sister Fern (b. 1905) was sent to live with relatives in Illinois.

As Milo reported to the Kansas State Historical Society in 1919, after graduating from high school he worked as a store clerk. He resigned in July 1917 and took a position at Standard Oil Company, possibly co-managing a gas station in Argonia.

Milo entered into military service on September 21, 1917. He served as a wagoner – a person who drives a wagon or transports goods by wagon – in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery. He was stationed at Camp Funston (September-October 1917) and Camp Doniphan (October 1917-May 1918). On May 19, 1918, he boarded the ship Ceramic in New York City and departed for Europe.

In this week’s letter, Milo reports on changes to his rank and pay, writing that he “received an increase of pay from Mess, but our Battery has no use for Wagoneers at present and we Wagoneers were reduced to Privates.” Milo also informs his family that he had “my first cigarette to smoke since being in the service and French Wines I have not drank since July 4th, two habits which are very injurious to good health over here.”

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 11, 1918 Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 11, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 11, 1918 Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, August 11, 1918

Aug. 11th, 1918.
“Somewhere in France, With the Amex Forces.”

Dear Father and Sisters:-

Please pardon me for not writing sooner, but have neglected writing Raymond (1) and Ruth since writing you last.

This is a most beautiful Sunday morning in France. Sun – shining brightly, but not hot like in southern Kans, very cool breeze blowing as fresh as if off the sea.

As our Band marched to Y.M.C.A. this A.M. to Church playing “Onward Christian Soldiers,” it brought back memories of Sunday Morning in Argonia and especially Supt. Dewall. He is still the Supt. or is Sam Scott the leading man?

At our next Camp I have the choice of two Officers’ Messes to work in. Think I will continue my same old job, for our Mess officer has been exceptionly good to me. Received an increase of pay from Mess, but our Battery has no use for Wagoneers at present and we Wagoneers were reduced to Privates. But doubt if I would have given up job here at Mess to have driven truck.

Chris Jergem (2), Merle Phillippi (3), and Leigh Clark (4) were over to visit with me last evening. Am very thankful to know all the home boys in this bunch are enjoying such good health. I have felt the best ever, at this Camp. Have my first cigarette to smoke since being in the service and French Wines I have not drank since July 4th, two habits which are very injurious to good health over here.

We have not received any mail from the “States” for a week but, are expecting a big bunch in daily.

As time and this “big drive” go on, the more am I convinced that this big game will be over by Christmas if not sooner. Some Officers doubt if we will get in the game at all. But if it is left to the Yanks they will end it in a very short time. The Boches now call the “Marines” the “Devil Dogs.” They and the “Alabama Dough Boys” have shown the “Germans” that they are the “Cold steel artists.”

Trusting all are in the best of health and prosperous at home, I am

Your son
Pvt. Milo H. Main.

Bat. F. 130 F.A.
American E.F.

(1) Possibly Raymond Flory, mentioned in several of Milo’s previous letters. Biographical information about him can be found with Milo’s letter of June 2.

(2) According to his World War I draft registration card, Chris Jurgens was born in Iowa on December 1, 1894. (Other sources state he was born in 1893.) He gave his home address as Argonia but stated he was farming in nearby Harper County, Kansas. According to the 1910 federal census, Chris’s parents were both born in Germany and immigrated to the United States around 1890-1892. During World War I, Chris served as a wagoner in Battery A, 130th Field Artillery. Like Milo, he sailed for Europe in May 1918 on board the Ceramic.

(3) According to his World War I draft registration card, Murrell Lewis Phillippi was born in Argonia in January 1895. (Elsewhere his birth date is listed as January 31, 1896.) In 1917 he was working as a waiter at a cafe. During the war he served with Milo as a private in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery. References in some of Milo’s letters suggest that Murrell was Jewish.

(4) Milo previously mentioned Leigh Clark in his letter of July 24th. Biographical information about him can be found in that blog post.

Meredith Huff
Public Services

Emma Piazza
Public Services Student Assistant

World War I Letters of Milo H. Main: July 23-29, 1918

July 23rd, 2018

In honor of the centennial of World War I, this is the second series in which we follow the experiences of one American soldier: twenty-five year old Milo H. Main, whose letters are held in Spencer’s Kansas Collection. On Mondays we’ll post a new entry featuring selected letters from Milo to his family from that following week, one hundred years after he wrote them.

Milo Hugh Main was born in or near Pittsfield, Illinois, on November 21, 1892 to William and Rose Ella Henry Main. The family moved to Argonia, Sumner County, Kansas, in 1901. After his mother died in 1906, Milo remained in Argonia with his father and his two sisters Gladys (b. 1890) and June (b. 1899). His youngest sister Fern (b. 1905) was sent to live with relatives in Illinois.

As Milo reported to the Kansas State Historical Society in 1919, after graduating from high school he worked as a store clerk. He resigned in July 1917 and took a position at Standard Oil Company, possibly co-managing a gas station in Argonia.

Milo entered into military service on September 21, 1917. He served as a wagoner – a person who drives a wagon or transports goods by wagon – in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery. He was stationed at Camp Funston (September-October 1917) and Camp Doniphan (October 1917-May 1918). On May 19, 1918, he boarded the ship Ceramic in New York City and departed for Europe.

This week’s letters reference exchanges of items, Milo sending “two souvenirs of this foreign land” (“a handkerchief for each of you girls”) and thanking his family for toothpicks (“I gave the French lad one just now. He says they are only used by the big gentlemen or the rich class”).

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 24, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 24, 1918


“With the Amex Forces [American Expeditionary Forces] in France.”

Dear Father and Sisters:- Yesterday I received a letter from you dated May 23rd, so you may know the “Amex” mail service can be improved some yet.

The summer is very pleasant here, never warmer than 90° and have very much rain. But have seen the dust blow here equal to Kansas for several hours.

I received a postal card from Roy McClure (1) recently, it made the trip to Camp Doniphan and return as the letter I received from Raymond Flory. (2)

Was over talking to Alvin W. (3) this A.M. and he was “joshing” me about my fat. Can say I have been well fed up to-date.

Was talking to Ralph Moore (4) last evening, this A.M. I ran across Ralph Carpenter (5) and this P.M. Leigh Clark (6) from Conway Springs came in and visited.

I am enclosing two souvenirs of this foreign land. A handkerchief for each of you girls, think I will send father a French maid for a remembrance of France. First, I must have his permission.

We can buy the European editions of the New York Herald and Chicago Tribune the same day they are printed and also get the French Communique twice daily from the “Front” so you know we are in constant touch of the big fireworks which are in progress, very favorably for the Allies at present. “Just leave it to the Yanks.”

Please write about the folks back East as I am very anxious to learn how sister Fern [living with relatives in Illinois] is getting along.

Miss Ruth stated that the weather has been extremely hot in Wellington during the month of June, wonder what August will bring.

All the Argonia Bunch are in good health and in best of spirits at this writting and, here is trusting the folks at home are the same.

News of interest that would pass censorship is scarce at present so, I will close

Your son and brother,
“Old Mike”

Wag. Milo H. Main.
Bat. F. 130 F.A. American Ex. Forces. France.

P.S. Am on same detail at O.M.

Willis R. Banker. [censor]
1st Lieut. 130 F.A.

(1) According to his obituary, Charles Leroy McClure was born in Sumner County on September 1, 1892. His mother died when he was two years old. He enlisted in the Army on July 6, 1917, and served in Co. D, 7th Engineers, first at Fort Leavenworth and then abroad.

(2) Possibly Alvin Lee Warlow, a farmer in Argonia. According to his World War I draft registration card, he was born in Caldwell, Kansas, on December 8, 1893. Warlow also served in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery.

(3) Milo mentioned Ray Flory in his June 2nd letter. Biographical information about him can be found in that blog post.

(4) Ralph A. Moore was born in Harper County, Kansas, on March 15, 1897. He sailed on the Ceramic with Milo and served with the Headquarters Detachment of the 60th Field Artillery Brigade.

(5) According to his World War I draft registration card, Ralph Virgil Carpenter was born in Sumner County, Kansas, on October 1, 1888. Records suggest his parents divorced before 1900. Carpenter was married and working as a farmer when war broke out, and he served in Battery D, 130th Field Artillery.

(6) According to his World War I draft registration card, Edward Leigh Clark was born in Conway Springs, Kansas, on August 24, 1890. Clark was married and working as a farmer when war broke out, and he served in Battery D, 130th Field Artillery.

July 26th, 1918.

“With the Amex Forces Somewhere in France.”

Dear Father and Sisters:-

We are having more rain again to-nite. Being so near coast either by south or west is partly due to so much rainfall.

It sure does not seem possible for the third largest vessel in the world being sunk by a torpedo. We were in N.Y. harbor docked near it just before our departure and I thought it the most beautiful vessel I had seen and when we got in the rough sea some 300 miles from Greenland this big transport could be seen sailing as smoothly as a river steamboat. It was not far from where it was sunk where we had our battle with a sub, coming over. (1)

Chris gave me an Argosy [Argonia newspaper] dated 7/6 yesterday. I have failed to receive any editions from Scottie yet, but possibly will later.

For pastime yesterday afternoon eight of we boys around the kitchen overpowered a French lad of 16 and mowed his first crop of whiskers. He shed many tears when we cut his mustache off, for a French man takes more pride in growing a little black mustache than a Kansas Farmer would in raising 90 acres of corn.

This improved his appearance so much we then decided to give him a hair cut but, we had no clippers or shears. I got out my Red Cross scissors and the first cook tried his hand. Well, we go off quite a quantity of hair, but it resembled a flight of stairs more than anything else. Altho after we gave him a shampoo and powdered him up he looked much more like an American.

July 30th. Tues. 3 P.M.

Finishing a letter four days from the time I started it shows you how energetic I am. Could write every-day as far as having time would concern it. But, don’t think we are not more than anxious to receive a letter from home.

To-day I received four letters from you dated July 8th, 9th, 12th and the 13th. Also one from Ruth sent on the 11th. You would be very much surprised to see the expression on the boys’ faces whom receive no mail on mail day. I want to thank you for writing so regularly to me. Don’t think F.A. Smiths are doing George right, it is no fault of his, it all lies with the Amex mail service.

Yes, I remember Mrs. Gulick. Ruth wrote about meeting Mrs. Colin at the store. Ruth said she spoke well of me.

No extreme heat in this part of France. Very pleasant all the time. In fact I am bleached out like never before. Very little do I get out in the sun at any time. We don’t wear our broad brimmed champaine hat now, just the little skill caps with out a bill.

Arthur Knox (2) and I were down the road Monday eve taking in the sights as we passed by the many wine and beer shops. Chinese and Algerian labors were to be seen along the road in big numbers.

Think I wrote you about serving fried chicken, lobster salad and champagne with many side dishes on the Fourth. Big field meet and boxing contest being held near by. I have not drank any French liquors either since that day. Champagne being my choice after giving them all a fair test.

Alvin’s [Alvin Warlow? – see above] estimate on the women and wine shops was not exaggerated at all. I would put it about four saloons to the block and as many French women as you wanted. Some of these French women are beautiful, while the pheasant class taken as whole have big feet and ankles caused by wearing wooden shoes. But the more one learns about the French maids the less you care about them. They are not to be compared with the girls in the good old U.S.A.

In the States we called our money “Bill,” but “over here” it is “Franc” and “Sou.” I have had no difficulty in getting American money exchanged. The “franc” is the unit of French money. its present value is 5.7 francs to the U.S. dollar. It seemed rather strange to hear the people speaking about the value of horse as 1500 francs. At present there is very much paper franc notes in circulation same as “scrip” in the U.S.

Thanks for the toothpicks. I gave the French lad one just now. He says they are only used by the big gentlemen or the rich class.

As to being homesick, never take time for that. Am making this a vacation trip. My hardest battle was at Camp Doniphan.

I have never written [sister] Fern yet, but have a handkerchief to send her so may write to her soon.

I received a second letter from Raymond Flory a few days ago. He is in England yet. Says he takes a wild ride in planes occasionally. And is working on them daily.

What do you think of the Yanks’ fighting spirit now? They all are anxious to get it over and believe me they have the Boches on the run now.

The effect upon the French caused by the presence of American troops here will be great. They are learning and progressing fast, but they cannot keep up the pace that Yanks are taking.

All the Argonia bunch are in good health and we wish the folks at home the best of health and prosperity.

Sorry to hear of Chas. Fisher’s (3) death.

Will close for to- day.

I am
Your son and brother,
Milo H. Main

Bat. F. 130 F.A.
Amex Forces.

(1) It’s unclear which ship Milo is referring to, as several were torpedoed in July 1918.

(2) Milo mentioned Arthur Knox in his July 7th letter. Biographical information about his can be found in that blog post.

(3) From the Argonia Argosy newspaper, July 11th: “Charles B. Fisher has been in a very serious condition for several weeks, died at his home in Argonia, Sunday evening, July 7, 1918, at the age of 68 years, four months and 22 days. Mr. Fisher has lived in this vicinity for several years and is well known by a large number of his friends. He has been confined to his home for the past three months, and his death was not unexpected, although it was a great shock to his many relatives and friends.”

Meredith Huff
Public Services

Emma Piazza
Public Services Student Assistant

World War I Letters of Milo H. Main: July 9-15, 1918

July 9th, 2018

In honor of the centennial of World War I, this is the second series in which we follow the experiences of one American soldier: twenty-five year old Milo H. Main, whose letters are held in Spencer’s Kansas Collection. On Mondays we’ll post a new entry featuring selected letters from Milo to his family from that following week, one hundred years after he wrote them.

Milo Hugh Main was born in or near Pittsfield, Illinois, on November 21, 1892 to William and Rose Ella Henry Main. The family moved to Argonia, Sumner County, Kansas, in 1901. After his mother died in 1906, Milo remained in Argonia with his father and his two sisters Gladys (b. 1890) and June (b. 1899). His youngest sister Fern (b. 1905) was sent to live with relatives in Illinois.

As Milo reported to the Kansas State Historical Society in 1919, after graduating from high school he worked as a store clerk. He resigned in July 1917 and took a position at Standard Oil Company, possibly co-managing a gas station in Argonia.

Milo entered into military service on September 21, 1917. He served as a wagoner – a person who drives a wagon or transports goods by wagon – in Battery F, 130th Field Artillery. He was stationed at Camp Funston (September-October 1917) and Camp Doniphan (October 1917-May 1918). On May 19, 1918, he boarded the ship Ceramic in New York City and departed for Europe.

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918

Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918 Image of Milo H. Main's letter to his family, July 15, 1918

July 15th 1918.

Somewhere in France.

Dear Father and Sisters:-

This finds us (the Argonia bunch at a new training camp. We all are well and located nearer to each other than ever before.

I hated to leave the O.M. at the other camp for, we the O.M. force sure had a fine time during our stay. But (the O.M. bunch) we are together on same detail here. The night before we left, the lady of the café gave us, two cooks, a waiter and my self a seven course dinner, French style to be sure and some feed I want you to know with plenty of wine. I was carrying her pocket book before I left. Don’t misconstrue that. I carried it at meal time. She wants me to spend my furloughs at her home, but latest dope [inside information] out will have us in the States before I get a leave.

Am enclosing a letter which Ray Flory* sent me at Doniphan and it was then forwarded over here again. I have not heard directly from him over here, but am expecting a letter daily. Don’t know whether he is in England or here.

Received four letter from you last Thurs. dated 5/31, 5/28, 6/14, and 6/17. We get mail about twice each week.

You spoke of the French girls. Yes, some very beautiful but taken as a bunch, they are no comparison to the Kansas girls.

Sure a bunch of Sumner Co. boys answering the call to the colors, but they are to late to see any active service.

Sure looks good to see a real American girl in the Y.M.C.A.s and the boys who have been in the hospitals say that the Red Cross (American) nurses treat a Sammie** as a big brother from home.

Pardon me for writing with a pencil, but my time is limited this Monday evening as I spent the afternoon pressing a pair of O.D. [olive drab] pants. I am getting very neglectful about writing but enjoy a few lines from home as never before and it is real interesting to watch we boys from Argonia exchange letters to try and find some thing of interest our folks failed to mention. But this way we get it all.

Glad Bernice received the allotment at last. Tell them all “hello” for me.

Wheat and oats are ripe here. The grain crop is fine and talk about golden fields of grain. I saw them here. The grain is dead ripe before they commence cutting with their arm strong binders known as cradles in the U.S.A. years ago. The largest field I have seen was a 10 acre oat field. They farm every square foot down here in southern France, but am told that in northern France it is much more like the U.S. method.

Yes, June [Milo’s sister], would be glad to receive some of your kodak pictures, any time, but thanks for the cigarettes as I never use them, only smoke a cigar now and then. And can get them at the Y’s’.

About my F. & B. Life Ins. just pay the quarterly premiums and extend the war risk loans if any. There will be no Masonic dues for you to pay.

Will close for to nite.

Trusting all are well and prosperous at home

I am your son & bro.,
Milo H. Main

*Milo mentioned Ray Flory in his June 2nd letter. Biographical information about him can be found in that blog post.

**“Sammie” or “Sammy” was British slang for a U.S. soldier in World War I; it was a reference to Uncle Sam.

Meredith Huff
Public Services

Emma Piazza
Public Services Student Assistant