April 25th, 2019 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

A KU baseball game, 1950s. The back of the Union (left) and Dyche Hall (right)
are visible in the background. The photo appears to have been taken in the vicinity
of where the Spencer Museum of Art now stands. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 66/12 1950s Prints: Athletic Department: Baseball (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Baseball, Caitlin Donnelly, Dyche Hall, KU Baseball, KU History, Memorial Union, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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January 24th, 2019 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

A KU streetcar behind Dyche Hall, 1925. Note the buildings in the background,
where the Union stands now. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 0/24/1 Streetcars 1925 Prints: Campus: Areas and Objects (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, Campus, Dyche Hall, KU History, photographs, Snow, Streetcar, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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May 10th, 2018 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
This Sunday, KU graduates will take part in the tradition of walking down the hill from the Campanile to Memorial Stadium for the Commencement ceremony. This week’s photo shows an early version of this procession, which followed roughly the same route that this year’s graduates will take.

An umbrella parade to McCook Field – located roughly where Memorial Stadium
now stands – during Commencement week festivities, June 9, 1908. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 0/17 1908 Prints: University General: Commencement (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
You can see the umbrellas more clearly by clicking on the photo and then zooming in. You’ll also see that some participants – presumably KU seniors – are wearing graduation caps and gowns.
Notice Dyche Hall and Spooner Hall in the background. The large open space to their left is where the Memorial Union now stands.
The Lawrence Daily World newspaper previewed the umbrella parade in an article on May 20, 1908: “Another unique feature [of this year’s Commencement] will be the alumni umbrella parade. Gorgeous red and blue umbrellas decorated with the class numerals have been provided, under the gentle shade of which the visiting alumni will parade from Fraser hall to [t]he gymnasium [Robinson Gymnasium, where Wescoe Hall is now] for the alumni banquet, and then to McCook field for the senior-alumni baseball game.”

The schedule for Class Day, 1908. The umbrella parade took place between 3:45 and 4:00pm.
During KU’s early years, Class Day was one of the features of Commencement,
which included several days of celebrations and events beyond the graduation ceremony itself.
University Archives. Call Number: LD 2693 .U55 1908. Click image to enlarge.
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, Campus, Commencement, Dyche Hall, KU History, Parades, photographs, Spooner Hall, Students, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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April 19th, 2018 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
The 91st Kansas Relays began yesterday and will be underway through Saturday. Are you attending any of the events?

Six athletes running the hurdles at the Kansas Relays, 1936.
The event took place at Memorial Stadium, which hosted the Relays
from 1923 through 2013. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 66/19 1936: Athletic Department: Track (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Note the campus buildings seen in the background of this week’s photo; from left to right, they are the Kansas Union, Dyche Hall, Old Green (now Lippincott) Hall, Old Fraser Hall, and Watson Library.
Additional photos of previous Kansas Relays are available online through Spencer’s digital collections.
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, Campus, Dyche Hall, Fraser Hall (Old), Kansas Relays, KU History, Lippincott Hall, Memorial Stadium, Memorial Union, photographs, Throwback Thursday, Track and Field, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas, Watson Library
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October 12th, 2017 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
Happy fiftieth anniversary Smith Hall! The building – the home of KU’s religious studies department – was dedicated on October 8, 1967.

Workers installing stained glass windows in Smith Hall, 1967. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 0/22/79 1967 Prints: Campus: Buildings: Smith Hall (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Tags: Caitlin Donnelly, Campus, Dyche Hall, KU History, photographs, Smith Hall, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
Posted in Throwback Thursday |
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