The University of Kansas

Inside Spencer: The KSRL Blog

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Welcome to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library blog! As the special collections and archives library at the University of Kansas, Spencer is home to remarkable and diverse collections of rare and unique items. Explore the blog to learn about the work we do and the materials we collect.

Throwback Thursday: Springtime Flowers Edition

February 6th, 2020

Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

Who’s ready for some warmer, springtime weather?

Photograph of flowers behind Old Green (now Lippincott) Hall, 1940s
Flowers behind Old Green (now Lippincott) Hall, 1940s. Dyche Hall is visible in the background. University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 0/24/1 Flowers 1940s Prints: Campus: Areas and Objects (Photos). Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).

Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services

Throwback Thursday: Basketball Strategy Edition

January 30th, 2020

Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

Photograph of Phog Allen drawing up a play on the blackboard while members of the basketball team look on, 1930s
Phog Allen draws up a play on the blackboard while members of the basketball team look on, 1930s. University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 66/22 Forrest C. Allen 1930s Negatives: Athletic Department: Coaches and Staff (Photos). Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).

Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services

Throwback Thursday: Home Away From Home Edition

January 16th, 2020

Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

Welcome back, Jayhawks! Students will be returning to campus over the next few days to get ready for the start of the spring semester next week.

Photograph of a KU student's decorated bedroom, 1911
A KU student’s decorated bedroom, 1911. Note the KU wall hanging, pennant, and pillow. University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 71/0 1911: Student Activities (Photos). Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).

A KU History article about Corbin Hall – KU’s first residence hall, which opened in 1923 – noted that “originally there were no University-owned dormitories for students at the University of Kansas. During KU’s early years, housing was catch-as-catch-can, with many of the students in attendance usually hailing from the surrounding area. As such, many lived at home, or with faculty, or in other private residences.”

Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services

Throwback Thursday: Team Portrait Edition

January 9th, 2020

Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

Photograph of the KU women's basketball team, 1902-1903
The KU women’s basketball team, 1902-1903. University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 66/20/13 1902/1903: Athletic Department: Women’s Basketball (Photos). Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).

See Spencer’s online exhibition Women’s Athletics at KU: From Physical Education to Recognized Athletic Program for more information about the history of women’s basketball and other sports at the university.

Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services

Throwback Thursday: Jayhawk Buffet Edition

January 2nd, 2020

Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 34,800 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

Happy National Buffet Day, Jayhawks!

Photograph of the buffet at a KU event for the Orange Bowl, 1969
The buffet at a KU event during Orange Bowl festivities in Miami, Florida, January 1969. University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 71/66/14 1969: Student Activities: Sports: Football (Photos). Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).

Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services