October 6th, 2016 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 29,500 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!

KU football fans tailgating with the Campanile in the background, 1979/1980.
University Archives Photos. Call Number: RG 71/66/14 1979/1980 Prints:
Student Activities: Sports: Football (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Melissa Kleinschmidt and Abbey Ulrich
Public Services Student Assistants
Tags: Abbey Ulrich, Caitlin Donnelly, Campanile, football, KU Football, KU History, Melissa Kleinschmidt, Memorial Carillon and Campanile, Tailgating, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
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September 25th, 2014 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 1,700 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
It’s Homecoming week at KU, and this Saturday the Jayhawks will be taking on the University of Texas. We’re getting excited about the game, so this week we’re showing the football squad from 1901, the first season in which KU faced the Longhorns. The game, which took place in Lawrence on November 23, 1901, was a 12-0 victory for the Jayhawks.
Want to see photographs of past KU Homecomings? Last year on “Inside Spencer” we featured some pictures of floats created in previous years, just a taste of the almost 500 Homecoming images we’ve digitized and made available online. Enjoy!

KU football team, 1901. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 66/14 Team 1901 Prints: Athletic Department: Football (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Brian Nomura
Public Services Student Assistant
Tags: Brian Nomura, Caitlin Donnelly, football, KU Football, KU History, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
Posted in Throwback Thursday |
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September 4th, 2014 Each week we’ll be posting a photograph from University Archives that shows a scene from KU’s past. We’ve also scanned more than 1,700 images from KU’s University Archives and made them available online; be sure to check them out!
This week, we celebrate the start of the 2014 football season on Saturday with this image of the old scoreboard at Memorial Stadium. You can learn more about the history of this building at the KU Places Directory and the KU History website.

KU football scoreboard at Memorial Stadium, 1938. University Archives Photos.
Call Number: RG 66/14 Games 1938 Prints: Athletic Department: Football (Photos).
Click image to enlarge (redirect to Spencer’s digital collections).
Caitlin Donnelly
Head of Public Services
Brian Nomura
Public Services Student Assistant
Tags: Brian Nomura, Caitlin Donnelly, football, KU Football, KU History, Memorial Stadium, photographs, Throwback Thursday, University Archives, University history, University of Kansas
Posted in Throwback Thursday |
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October 3rd, 2013 The tradition of Homecoming, or welcoming back alumni to the University, conjures up images of crisp fall weather, football teams battling on the gridiron, dancing couples, and . . . floats! For many years KU groups have created floats from chicken wire, wood, crepe paper, and other materials to display in the Homecoming parade.

Students construct a Homecoming float in 1969.
Call number: 71/1 /1969/0347. University Archives. Click image to enlarge.
The theme of the floats most typically involves the Homecoming football game–Jayhawk victoriously represented and opponent mascot whimpering in defeat–but not always.

Homecoming floats from 1937 (left) and the 1950s (right).
Respective call numbers: 71/1/1937/005 and 71/1/1950s/0110, University Archives. Click images to enlarge.
Enjoy some pictures from the University Archives of Homecoming floats of the past. For more images see the University’s Archives digital collections.

A snowman float (?!) from 1946 (left) and a cowboy Jayhawk from 1980 (right).
Respective call numbers: 71/1/1946/0076 and 71/1/1980/0518. University Archives. Click images to enlarge.
Whitney Baker
Head, Conservation Services
Tags: football, Homecoming, Homecoming float, University Archives, Whitney Baker
Posted in Events, University Archives |
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