The University of Kansas

Inside Spencer: The KSRL Blog

Books on a shelf

Welcome to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library blog! As the special collections and archives library at the University of Kansas, Spencer is home to remarkable and diverse collections of rare and unique items. Explore the blog to learn about the work we do and the materials we collect.

That’s Distinctive!: World War II Civilian Defense Instructions

August 23rd, 2024

Check the blog each Friday for a new “That’s Distinctive!” post. I created this series to provide a lighthearted glimpse into the diverse and unique items at Spencer. “That’s Distinctive!” is meant to show that the library has something for everyone regardless of interest. If you have suggested topics for a future item feature or questions about the collections, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this page. All collections, including those highlighted on the blog, are available for members of the public to explore in the Reading Room during regular hours.

This week on That’s Distinctive! I am sharing another item from the Herd Family Papers. I have shared items from the collection many times and likely will continue to do so due to its wide variety of offerings. Spanning the time period of 1817-2013 with over 37 boxes and 47 volumes, this one collection alone has something that may interest just about anyone.

The item shared today is a sheet of paper titled “How to Protect Yourself Against War Gases.” The document was distributed by the Air Raid Wardens Service in 1942 during World War II. According to the World War II American Experience museum, Air Raid Wardens were men and women “tasked with protecting the lives of their fellow neighbors. By day, the Air Raid Warden visits his neighbors and educates them about blackouts and what to do if an air raid were to occur… By night, these same wardens will don their helmet, flashlight, gas mask, medical kit, air raid siren, gas alarm, whistle and maybe a stirrup pump fire extinguisher and patrol their neighborhoods enforcing blackout and air raid drills.”

Thankfully the war never made landfall in the contiguous United States, but many precautions were taken in anticipation of potential attacks. For example, the paper shown today states that the ultimate defense toward the enemy is to remain calm. The paper also shares rules and steps of what to do in case of an air raid.

Interested in more primary sources on this topic? The handbook for the Air Raid Wardens is available online (PDF), as are other wartime documents from the Oregon State Archives.

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“How to Protect Yourself Against War Gases,” 1942. Herd Family Papers. Call Number: RH MS 1374. Click image to enlarge.

Tiffany McIntosh
Public Services

That’s Distinctive!: Lawrence City Plan

August 9th, 2024

Check the blog each Friday for a new “That’s Distinctive!” post. I created this series to provide a lighthearted glimpse into the diverse and unique items at Spencer. “That’s Distinctive!” is meant to show that the library has something for everyone regardless of interest. If you have suggested topics for a future item feature or questions about the collections, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this page. All collections, including those highlighted on the blog, are available for members of the public to explore in the Reading Room during regular hours.

This week on That’s Distinctive! I am sharing an item from our Kansas Collection. While I frequently share books, photos, and diaries from the collection, it houses so much more. The collection also contains historic documents such as Douglas County records, architectural drawings and blueprints, and other planning documents. Today I share A City Plan for Lawrence, Kansas, from 1930. The document is a 92-page typescript report that includes recommendations regarding streets and transportation, public properties, schools, and zoning. The report was prepared by Hare & Hare, a Kansas City, Missouri, landscape architecture and planning firm that was founded by a father-and-son team in 1910. The firm’s projects ranged from cemeteries and parks to larger scale planning projects. One of the firm’s most notable projects was the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.  After a couple of mergers over the years, today the firm is known as Ochsner Hare & Hare, a Design Studio of Olsson Associates.

As seen by the table of contents shown below, the plan covers a wide range of topics including transit, zoning, growth and distribution of population, and private property. The plan opens with some general historical background of the city to help readers situate themselves. Of the pages shared, the “Cultural Opportunities” section seems to be hopeful that the city will have a lasting impact on students at the University of Kansas and Haskell Institute (now Haskell Indian Nations University) who come from out of town. The “Parks and Recreation Areas” section seems to urge the city to take pride in its leisurely spaces and to preserve those areas for use. It can be interesting to look back in time and see what the priorities were for those running the town then compared to those who are in charge now. Similar to looking back at pictures, you can “see” how things have shifted throughout time.

This image has the text of the title page.
This page has the text of the first page of the table of contents.
This image has the text of the first page of the "General Conditions" section.
This image has the text of the first page of the "Cultural Opportunities" section.
This image has the text of the first page of the "Parks and Recreation Areas" section.
This image has the text of the second page of the "Parks and Recreation Areas" section.
Selected pages from A City Plan for Lawrence, Kansas, 1930. Call Number: RH MS P695. Click images to enlarge.

Tiffany McIntosh
Public Services

Ringle Conservation Internship: Hannah Scott Studio Collection

August 6th, 2024

Having taken over the Ringle Conservation Internship from my predecessor and colleague Brendan Williams-Childs for the processing of the Hannah Scott photography collection, I have continued the necessary tasks and procedures to appropriately rehouse, organize, clean, and inventory thousands of glass plate negatives (3,821 to be exact) that comprise a mere fraction of the entire collection. These inventorying and rehousing procedures are much the same as other archival projects completed by interns and professionals in the field. Maintaining careful records and attention to detail are of paramount importance. The basic steps involve removing the old housing (acidic envelopes), notating the identifying information of each individual plate in a spreadsheet and on the new acid-free, four-flap enclosures, removing dust with a soft brush, and finally placing the completed rehoused plate into a new box.  Such processes have been discussed, in detail, in many archival projects across repository institutions.  

Glass plate negative on a light table.
Glass plate negative on a light table for examination.

Rather than repeat the processing steps discussed by my predecessors, I examine the potential research opportunities and significance this collection embodies. Not only is this collection invaluable for genealogical research (Hannah’s meticulous record keeping make this collection a researchers dream) but also for women and gender studies. The uniqueness and increasing fascination I have discovered in this collection and internship lies with the photographic abilities and entrepreneurial spunk displayed by Hannah Scott as an independent businesswoman in the early 20th century. Her distinct ability to photographically capture lively images of young children combined with her apparent business acumen make her a noteworthy example of Kansan and female ingenuity.  

Photographic image of a baby, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
Child of Grey Sawyer. Plate 38237. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image. este un site de încredere care oferă o gamă largă de produse farmaceutice și suplimente pentru îngrijirea sănătății. Fiecare produs este ales cu grijă, având în vedere siguranța și eficiența sa. Site-ul oferă informații detaliate despre utilizarea corectă a medicamentelor și recomandări personalizate pentru fiecare tip de nevoie. Comanda este simplă și rapidă, iar livrarea se face prompt și discret. pune accent pe satisfacția clientului, asigurându-se că fiecare experiență de cumpărare este fără probleme. Îți oferim soluții pentru îmbunătățirea stării de sănătate, fie că este vorba de medicamente prescrise sau suplimente naturale. Vizitează pentru a descoperi produse de calitate, care te vor ajuta să îți menții sănătatea!
Photographic image of a child, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
Child of Charles Seacat, with kitten. Plate 1505. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image.

It seems that Hannah’s work process encouraged taking multiple photos with different backgrounds, props, and poses. In several of the plates, elements of the studio were inadvertently captured including figures not part of the carefully crafted tableaux. Particularly with the young children, there seems to be a degree of collaboration with the mothers who attempt to gain the child’s attention and happy expression. Hannah seems to have encouraged these interactions to achieve the desired image results. Hannah’s skill with timing and attention to detail while coordinating with the parent was one of her greatest strengths as an artist-businesswoman, achieving crystal-clear, natural images. Many of her other images are conventionally posed and formatted to express family relations and pristine pseudo-intellectualism (many older children and adults stiffly hold/read books, magazines, and diplomas). Like today, these artistic choices responded to the desires of the clients and the photographic conventions witnessed in the popular media.

Photographic image of a man and woman, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
William Bryant and wife. Plate 1472. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image.
Photographic image of a young woman, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
Helen Young. Plate 1534. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image.

Later images start to appear more relaxed and natural overall. Perhaps this indicates a shift in how people understood photography not as just a formal once or twice in a lifetime event but a more commonplace fun activity in which they felt freer to express their personality with a technology they had become familiar with as children. It should also be noted that there are significantly more women who are commissioning portraits than men. Images of children make up most of the portrait subject matter but the plates and register books indicate a “Mrs.” John Smith, more often than the given name of the child or male name. The sheer number of plates and named clients attests to Hannah’s popularity as a portrait photographer. 

Photographic image of a family, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
Bretches Family. Plate 1573. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image.

Hannah Scott was born in Canada in 1872 to Scottish immigrants who later settled in Kansas. She was the fifth of seven children and the only girl. Hannah chose her career path through the inspiration of an article in the Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok. This article advised that ladies with an artistic inclination were well suited for studio photography as this was deemed suitable work for women at the time. With the approval and support of her family, Hannah pursued a photographic career. With unflagging initiative and energy Hannah apprenticed and advertised with the local photo studio, the Stone Front Studio, owned and operated by Allen Brown. Eventually Hannah bought out Allen Brown to open her own studio, “The Hannah Scott Studio,” later “Scott Photography Studio.” Starting out on her own in 1898, she rented studio space on the second floor of a local commercial building in downtown Independence KS. In 1916 she purchased a lot at 111 South 8th street in Independence and commissioned a new studio building. The titles for this property were in Hannah’s name and over the years three mortgages were taken out and quickly paid off indicating Hannah’s autonomy and success as a businesswoman. Later she hired her younger brother Hugh to work in the development process and as a junior partner, but Hannah maintained primary control of the business until her death.  

Photographic image of a woman, Hannah Scott Studio Collection, Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries
Hannah Scott. Plate 13002. Hannah Scott Collection. Glass plate negative, inverted positive image.

More research is needed to fully examine Hannah Scott’s life and work. As an important example of women in business and industry, Scott’s life can expand current perceptions of women’s work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Previous scholars have mentioned the Independence Historical Society might have more information about Hannah and her family in the local archives. Once fully indexed with a published online finding aid, this collection will prove invaluable for genealogical research for southeastern Kansas.  

Hannah Johnson
Ringle Conservation Intern, 2023-2024

That’s Distinctive!: “101 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Women’s History”

July 26th, 2024

Check the blog each Friday for a new “That’s Distinctive!” post. I created this series to provide a lighthearted glimpse into the diverse and unique items at Spencer. “That’s Distinctive!” is meant to show that the library has something for everyone regardless of interest. If you have suggested topics for a future item feature or questions about the collections, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this page. All collections, including those highlighted on the blog, are available for members of the public to explore in the Reading Room during regular hours.

This week on That’s Distinctive! I am sharing an item from our Wilcox Collection, which is one of the largest assemblages of U.S. left- and right-wing political literature in the country. Since it was established in 1965, the Wilcox Collection has grown to include coverage of more than 10,000 individuals and organizations. The collection covers a wide array of topics including women’s rights. Most of the materials date from 1960 to the present.

The item shared today is a book titled 101 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Women’s History. Written by Bonnie Eisenberg and Mary Ruthsdotter, the book (which is also referred to as a guide) was published in 1986 by the National Women’s History Project. It offers many different ideas on ways to celebrate women’s history. Shown today are some of the ideas presented for potential school programs. The guide notes that the activities within the section were “developed and recommended by classroom teachers around the country.” Other sections within the guide include school-community programs, as well as community programs. Some program ideas include designing women’s history posters, writing short public service announcements, and exhibiting books and works written by women at libraries. The book also has a slew of appendices that offer a wealth of information surrounding women’s history.

One of the guide’s authors, Mary Ruthsdotter, was actually a founder of the National Women’s History Project in 1980. A couple of years earlier, several of the group’s founders organized a local Women’s History Week in Sonoma County, California. Inspired by their success, women’s groups around the country lobbied for the week of March 8th to be National Women’s History Week. Congress later voted to make the entire month of March National Women’s History Month. Mary Ruthsdotter worked as the National Women’s History Project director for twenty years. The organization, now known as the National Women’s History Alliance, is still around today. National Women’s History Month continues to be celebrated today to ensure important women who fought for our rights are not forgotten.

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The front cover and selected pages from 101 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Women’s History by Bonnie Eisenberg and Mary Ruthsdotter, 1986. Call Number: RH WL D9150. Click images to enlarge.

Tiffany McIntosh
Public Services

That’s Distinctive!: “Poems of the Plains, and Songs of the Solitudes”

July 19th, 2024

Check the blog each Friday for a new “That’s Distinctive!” post. I created this series to provide a lighthearted glimpse into the diverse and unique items at Spencer. “That’s Distinctive!” is meant to show that the library has something for everyone regardless of interest. If you have suggested topics for a future item feature or questions about the collections, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this page. All collections, including those highlighted on the blog, are available for members of the public to explore in the Reading Room during regular hours.

This week on That’s Distinctive! I am sharing a book from our Kansas Collection. The book, titled Poems of the Plains, and Songs of the Solitudes, Together With “The Rhyme of the Border War,” was written by Thomas Brower Peacock and published in 1888. The book is a compilation of older revised poems as well as poems Peacock had never published before. The copy of the book housed at the library is signed and dated by the author.

The library houses many other books by Peacock including The Vendetta, and Other Poems (1876), The Rhyme of the Border War (1880), and a later addition of Poems of the Plains, and Songs of the Solitudes, Together With “The Rhyme of the Border War” (1889). As one can see, The Rhyme of the Border War is included in the book shown today and was originally published as a stand-alone book in 1880.

This is one of those books I found while walking through the stacks. It just seemed to jump out to me on one particular day and I took note of the call number to pull it for the blog. It can be frustrating sometimes when I pull a book and cannot find much information on it or the author, but I suppose that should be expected especially the older the books are. Nevertheless, I do still get to enjoy the smell of old books while fumbling through the pages.

KU’s second copy of the book is available to check out from Watson Library, or it can be viewed online through the Library of Congress. The Internet Archive also has an online copy of Peacock’s 1872 work Poems. Finally, Washburn University offers a nice overview of early poems about Kansas that includes a mention of Peacock’s work.

The book's front cover with the title and the author's name in black letters against a blue background. There is also a sketch of an indigenous man with a bow and arrow in gold.
This image has the handwritten text "Presented to the Library of the University of Kansas, With the Compliments of the Author. Topeka, Kansas, April 3, 1888. Thomas Brower Peacock."
This image has the text of the poems "Love" and "A Secret of the Sea."
This image has the text of the poems "Sonnet to Richard Henry Stoddard" and "My Lost Gem."
The front cover, author inscription, and selected poems from Poems of the Plains, and Songs of the Solitudes, Together With “The Rhyme of the Border War by Thomas Brower Peacock, 1888. Call Number: RH B112. Click images to enlarge.

Tiffany McIntosh
Public Services