New Finding Aids, July-December 2018
If you have conducted research at the Kenneth Spencer Research Library in the past, then perhaps you already know about some of the collections listed here as having “new” finding aids. The library has been in physical existence for 50 years, and KU Libraries started collecting archival and manuscript materials long before there was a separate building to house them. However, KSRL has only been producing online finding aids for 20 years. This means that over those same 20 years, manuscripts processing staff have added information about legacy collections online as time and resources permit.
We added several legacy collection finding aids in the last six months of 2018 that you will see on this list, but we also worked on new collections! Whether you want to know more about how basketball came to China, the Lawrence, Kansas literary scene, or prominent African American families of Kansas, we have something for everyone at the Kenneth Spencer Research Library.

Photograph of the 1928 Tientsin Civilian Basketball Team,
from the volume Tientsin Civilian Basketball Team
Season 1927-28 Records 1926-28 in the personal papers
of Charles A. Siler. Call #: PP 595, Box 1, Folder 30.
Click image to enlarge.
Concrete poem by John Fowler, from his collection.
Call #: MS 344, Box 1, Folder 11.
Click image to enlarge.
A page from Annabelle Sawyer’s passport;
she served as a missionary in Sierra Leone as well as
traveled for pleasure. Nathaniel Sawyer family papers.
Call #: RH MS 1460, Box 1, Folder 47. Click image to enlarge.
Finding aids newly published online in July-December 2018:
“Frozen in Time” J. J. Pennell exhibit photos, 1896-1922 (RH PH 48)
Photographs of Oklahoma scenes, approximately 1901-1903 (RH PH 150)
Josea M. Tyler collection, 1972-2014 (RH MS 1456, RH MS Q442)
Reese-Hanlon family photographs, approximately 1890-1967 (bulk 1890s-1940s), RH PH 181
Personal papers of James E. Dykes, 1960-1966 (PP 598)
Personal papers of F. Allan Hanson, 1961-1963 (PP 597)
Personal papers of Charles A. Siler, 1890-1982 (PP 595)
Glen Kappelman World War II photographs collection, 1944-1945, 1999, 2000 (bulk 1944-1945) (RH PH 533, RH PH 533(f))
Douglas County Genealogical Society records, 1975-2002 (RH MS 1450)
Edward Everett Hale letter, May 14, 1854 (RH MS P960)
Lawrence Memorial Hospital architectural records, 1933-1996 (RH AD 12, RH MS 1451)
Typescript of Destiny’s Road by Larry Niven, September 1996 (MS 343)
Personal papers of John B. Bremner, 1930-1986 (PP 600)
“Visualizing Muscles” scrapbook, 1995 (PP 599)
Papers of Arla Jones & Kimberly Kreicker, 1980s-2009 (RH MS 1452, RH MS S57)
President Obama’s Kansas Heritage oral history project, 2009-2017 (RH MS 1462, KC AV 55)
C.Y. Thomas collection, 1887-1981 (bulk 1940s-1970s) (RH MS 539, RH MS Q437, RH MF 192)
Nathaniel Sawyer family papers, circa 1880-2012 (bulk 1950s-1990s) (RH MS 1460, RH MS-P 1460, RH MS R437)
John Fowler collection, 1965-2015 (MS 344, MS Q76)
Personal papers of David Guth, 2013-2015 (PP 603, UA AV 5)
Personal papers of Margaret L. Anderson, 1963-1972 (PP 602)
Personal papers of Richard Dyer MacCann, May 1999 (PP 601)
Harold Covington collection, 1980-2011 (RH WL MS 52)
Funeral service programs from the Topeka, Kansas-based African American community, 1956, 1962, 1964 (RH MS P961)
Hutchinson, KS NAACP collection, 1982-2017 (RH MS 1457, RH MS-P 1457(ff))
Rhoda Louise Meredith’s “Book of Stunts and Frolics,” circa 1929-1937, 1977 (RH MS BK8)
“Shawnee Indian History, 1688-1832” manuscript, undated [not before 1832] (RH MS P385)
Richard B. Sheridan papers, 1906-2005 (RH MS 1468, RH MS-P 1468, RH MS-P 1468(f), RH MS R439)
Voth, Unruh, & Banman families collection, 1865-2009 (RH MS 1455, RH MS-P 1455, RH MS-P 1455(f), RH MS Q441, RH MS R434, RH MS R435)
North family papers, approximately 1250-1856 (bulk 1500-1797) (MS 240A, MS D128, MS Q5, MS Q17, MS Q75, MS Qa1:5-6, MS Qa14)
Personal papers of Arthur Binion Amerson, Jr., 1961-1962 (PP 605)
Personal papers of Kristine McCusker, 1990s (PP 604)
Post by
Marcella Huggard
Archives and Manuscripts Processing Coordinator
Tags: Annabelle Sawyer, Basketball, Basketball in China, Charles A. Siler, China, finding aids, John Fowler, Marcella Huggard, Nathaniel Sawyer