Welcome to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library blog! We are all very excited about having a place to share Spencer news, events, and behind-the-scenes looks at the collections we treasure and the services we provide. In this blog, you can expect to read about interesting items, unique artifacts, and surprising discoveries from Spencer. We hope to keep you up-to-date on this busy, exciting place in an informative and entertaining way.
Special thanks go to KU Libraries conservator Whitney Baker, special collections librarian Elspeth Healey, and our Libraries colleagues Sarah Kanning, Scott Hanrath, and Monica Claassen for making this blog possible. Contributions will come from all over Spencer and Conservation, and, we hope, from you, our readers. If something here sparks your interest, please let us know, and contact us if you have a particular question or idea.
The vast and varied collections of the Spencer Research Library, as well as the research, programs, and instruction that grow around them, are worth exploring and talking about. Please join us as the conversation begins!
Beth M. Whittaker
Head of Spencer Research Library
Tags: Beth M. Whittaker