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New Finding Aids: January-December 2024

Ah, the highs and lows of 2024. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster over the past year for the manuscripts processing team here at Spencer with changes in leadership, new digital workflows, and university-wide events like the Watson Library centennial celebrations. Last year we “got out of the basement” and worked more closely with faculty members and staff across campus on larger, multi-year processing projects and adding to existing collections. One of the most fulfilling parts of archival processing work is directly working with history to shape how we see the past long into the future. Entering 2025, the manuscripts processing team has many exciting collections in the works that we cannot wait to share with you all. In the meantime, here are the new finding aids published in 2024!

Kansas Collection

Emanuel Haldeman-Julius letter, January 12, 1921 (RH MS P1006)

World War II era V-Mail form envelopes, circa 1942-1945 (RH MS P1007)

Nate Foster papers, 1977-1981 (RH MS 1601)

Black-and-white photograph of a man lifting a large barbell weight.
A photograph of Kansas-based powerlifter Nate Foster in a competition. Foster was active from the late 1970s into the mid-1980s, and he also coached the U. S. Women’s Powerlifting Team at the World Championships in Hawaii in 1981. Nate Foster Papers. Call Number: RH MS 1601. Click image to enlarge.

Barbara Burghart-Perreault collection, 1886-2020, bulk 1950-2010 (RH MS 1604 + other call numbers)

Abstract color artwork of houses on hills.
Pastel sketch of houses on the San Francisco hills by Kansas native Barbara Burghart-Perreault, 1967. Barbara Burghart-Perreault Collection. Call Number: RH MS R544. Click image to enlarge.

Quivira Lakes collection, 1981-2003 (RH MS 1605)

Vote for liquor-by-the-drink mug collection, 1986 (RH MS 1607)

Photograph of a clear glass beer mug that has text in blue.
A mug listing local Lawrence businesses supporting liquor-by-the-drink legislation, 1986. The proposed legislation removed a food purchase requirement at restaurants to buy alcohol. Vote for Liquor-By-The-Drink Mug Collection. Call Number: RH MS 1607. Click image to enlarge.

Alvamar Estates collection, June 1, 1966-December 21, 1968 (RH MS 1608)

Floyd Schultz history, 1922-2011 (RH MS 1609)

Victoria Shinn collection, 1952-2000 (RH MS 1610 + other call numbers)

O’Sullivan family history, 1955-2018 (RH MS 1611)

Lawrence Free State High School calendars, 1997-1999 (RH MS S89)

Special Collections

Central American textile maps, approximately 1745-1897 (MS S16)

Real Sociedad Económica de Amanetes de la Patria de Guatemala collection, 1830-1883 (MS 110)

Hong Kong return to China newspaper collection, July 1997 (MS Qa51)

Political ephemera from national elections in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama, 2001-2010 (MS 384 + other call numbers)

Photograph of a pamphlet by the Movimiento Libertario party titled "Plan de Gobierno 2010-2014." It shows a man stretching out his hand to the reader.
A political candidate’s policy plan from a national election in Costa Rica, 2010. Political Ephemera from National Elections in Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama. Call Number: MS 384. Click image to enlarge.

Orsetti family papers, 1180-1874, bulk 1450-1820 (MS 131 + other call numbers)

River City Reunion audiovisual recordings, 1987, 1993, and February 1995 (SC AV 56 + other call numbers)

University Archives

Albert Bloch slides, 1906-1959 (PP 657)

Personal papers of Charles E. Skidmore Jr., 1949-1944 (PP 658)

Personal papers of Angela V. Woodhull, 1984 (PP 659)

Two items: Black-and-white sketch of a man sitting at his desk with the caption "Dr. Lee Bee in his office (when no one is looking)." Black-and-white program cover with performance details against the silhouette of six men in suits; five wear conical hats and one wears a graduation cap.
Character notes and a performance booklet for The Last of the True Scholars by Angela V. Woodhull. The University of the Kansas Theatre Department performed the play on October 26-31, 1984. Personal Papers of Angela V. Woodhull. Call Number: PP 659. Click image to enlarge.

Walter J. and Virginia H. Meserve family photographs, 1951-1953 (PP 660)

Personal papers of Arthur Davidson, 1927-1971 (PP 661)

Personal papers of Edward R. Canda, 1968-2023 (PP 662 + other call numbers)

Charissa Pincock
Archives and Manuscripts Coordinator

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